“When I was pregnant, I made many parenting decisions. Despite knowing these decisions were my choice, it was frustrating to have experienced parents scoff and say, "we'll see" and “none of that is practical”. It made me feel like I had lost before the game even started.“
Read More“After rushing around to get everyone ready to leave, I realized sister had piled stuffed animals on top of baby. I overreacted. I spoke to her in a way I’m not proud of and that wasn’t necessary or appropriate. Immediately, I regretted it. She immediately broke down crying. A real, stress filled, tearful cry. She lunged for me, with arms open, and I caught her and held her. She sobbed in my lap and the following conversation took place…“
Read More"I felt a very negative energy come over me. With every dirty dish or piece of trash or scattered mail I saw I started getting upset and placing blame. Who left THAT there? Why is this here? Why could Marley not have played on her own this morning?"
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